السبت، 31 ديسمبر 2011

صوره ساخره لمبارك بعد تحوله لشيخ سلفي

not only is | Rahman | Rahim | King | Qudoos | Peace | Insured | Dominant | Aziz | Jabbar | Arrogant | Creator | The the creator (God) | Photographer | Ghaffar | Victories | Wahab | Razzaq | Fattah | Aleem | Gripper | Basset | -Depressing | Elevator | Moez | Humiliating | SAMIE | Basir | Governance | Justice | Latif | Expert | Halim | Great | Ghafour | Shakur | Ali | Great | Hafiz | Abhorrent | The noble | Galilee | Karim | Sergeant | Answering router | Broad | Hakim | The pleasant | Majid | Motivation | Martyr | Right | Proxy | Strong | Solid | The guardian | Hamid | The statistics | Starter | He who gives life a restorer | Deadly | Neighborhood | Gayoom | Finder | Majid | Wahid | Sunday | Samad | Kader | Able | Report | Backside | First | Other | Apparent | Subcontractor | Wali | The condescending attitude | Land | Tawab | Avenger | Amnesty | Raouf | The owner of King | With jalaal | The fair | Omnibus | rich | Singer | Mana | Harmful | Useful | Light | Hadi | Budaya | The rest | Waris | Rashid | Patient |

الثلاثاء، 27 ديسمبر 2011

بطه تسرق سيده فى الطريق العام

The Arab princes to buy one island to an estimated price of $ 700 million U.S. dollars. The island is located south east of the Pacific Ocean and is one of the most beautiful islands in nature and that it has not lost her Alchuks for Yumian Mtsaln and became the king of the island now has a property of the United States. Was transferred to the Prince

الجمعة، 16 ديسمبر 2011

بلطجي يحاول تسلق مبنى مجلس الشعب لاشعال النيران فيه

 Declaration of a military curfew in all army units
An image illustrating a soldier carrying a handgun during resolve picket Cabinet today in Cairo and the other plane demonstrator.

After a little brief us dog dogs Council says they shot astkhedmnash. District.
Ahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa God ruthless ya manlike I Jolla in army o messages me Leh if God hmotooooooooooooooo lip lmotoooooooooooooooooo
Masked Thunderbolt team sent by the junta's suppression of unarmed demonstrators in order to kill the Egyptian dignity and awakening and revolution forever

الثلاثاء، 6 ديسمبر 2011

عاصفه رمليه تلتهم مدينه امريكيه

Eat up a sandstorm City Arizona in 2011, this storm resulted in a large number of deaths a result of the many bottlenecks that took place in the ranks of citizens when entering the Americans did this storm to the city.

العصابه تهدد بذبح شقيق محمد شوقى لاعب الاهلى خلال 10 ساعات اذا لم تدفع الفديه

فى اتصالات  مع  العصابه التى  خطفت  شقيق اللاعب المصري الدولى محمد شوقى فى  مدينه بورسعيد  .  هددت العصابه اهل  المخطوف ومنحتهم 10 ساعات لدفع الفديه التى قدرت ب 4  ملايين  جنيه مصرى وتم تخفيضها الى مليون  ونصف المليون  .  وتعهد  محمد شوقى بدفع المبلغ المطلوب مقابل اطلاق صراح شقيقه  .  لكن لم يتوصل الطرفان لحل  لطريقه  دفع الفديه . حيث ان بورسعيد اليوم  ومنذ امس  بها  كميه  قوات  من القوات المسلحه  والشرطه بطريقه غير مسبوقه  .  وذلك  بعد انتشار حالات الاختطف والتى  بلغ  عددها الى 15  حاله حتى الان  كلهم  من ابناء التجار  والمشاهير فى الوسط البورسعيدي  الذى يمتاز بالثراء الفاحش بالمقارنه باحوال المحافظات الاخرى المصريه التى  تعانى  من الفقر  .
وقد انتشرت شائعه عن  اختطاف  فتاه  بورسعيديه  اثناء  تواجدها مع  خطيبها فى احد الشوارع الحيويه فى بورسعيد  ولكن التحريات اثبتت ان الفتاه هربت من اهلها  بمحض ارادتها لانهم يغصبونها على الزواج  .
واما عن  طريقه خطف  شقشق  لاعب منتخب مصر محمد شوقى  ففى  احدى الطرقات الهامه ايضا فى المدينه تم تثبيت السياره التى  كان يستقلها  بالسلاح الالى  واقتادهم  مجموعه  من الملثمين الى  منطقه غير  معلومه

In contact with the gang that kidnapped the brother of the Egyptian player Mohamed Shawky in the international city of Port Said. Threatened to gang kidnapped the people 10 hours to pay the ransom, which was estimated at 4 million Egyptian pounds was reduced to a million and a half million. Mohamed Shawky and pledged to pay the required amount in exchange for the expressly brother. But the parties did not reach a solution to the way the payment of ransom. As the Port today and yesterday, since the quantity of troops from the armed forces and police in an unprecedented way. And after the spread of Alachttaf which totaled to 15 cases so far, all of the sons of merchants and celebrities in the middle handed indefinite filthy rich, which is characterized by the conditions of a comparison other Egyptian governorates in the throes of poverty.
The rumor spread Bursaidyh kidnapped girl while she with her fiance in the vitality of a street in Port Said, but investigations proved that the girl ran away from her family own free will because they Agsabonha marriage.
And either way kidnapping squeal Egypt midfielder Mohamed Shawky In one of the important roads in the city also installed the car he was traveling with weapons automated and taken away to a group of masked area of ​​unclear

الجاسوس الاردني يصيح في المحكمه ساويرس عاوز يسلمني عشان الحقيقه تموت معايا

قررت  محكمه  جنايات امن الدوله  طوارئ  تأجيل  نظر قضيه  التاخابر ضد مصر وتوجيه تهمه الاضرار بمصالح البلاد العليا ضد  لجاسوس الاردنى المتهم بتمرير الاتصالات  عبر شبكه الانترنت الى اسرائيل  لكي  تقوم اسرائيل بتحديد اماكن القوات المسلحه  والشرطه المصريه  اثناء الثوره  . صاح المتهم انت مش عاوزني ادافع  عن نفسي  حسبي الله  ونعم الوكيل  ساويرس  عاوز  يلسمنى فى السجن عشان الحقيقه تموت  معايا  ساويرس  اكبر  جاسوس على مصر  وبدء فى الصياح العالى  فقررت هيئه لمحكمه تأجيل  نظر القضيه التى  لم تستكمل  حتى 15  دقيقه  .  وينتظر المجتمع المصري توجيه  تهمه التخابر الى نجيب  ساويرس الذى  طلب  مؤحرا  من الولايات المتحده الامريكيه التدخال العسكري فى مصر اذا فاز الاسلاميين  فى مصر   
Court of Criminal emergency state security, postpone the hearing of the issue of phone calls where the accused Bashar Ibrahim Abu Zeid, a communications engineer (of Jordanian nationality) and Ophir, Harare, officer of the Israeli Mossad (fugitive) for the hearing of 2 January to attend the Judge afternoon, in a short session lasting only a quarter of an hour began to fully the eleventh hour, was deposited the accused dock and the Chancellor President of the Court summoned him inside the Chamber and spoke with him for 5 minutes left after the accused in revolt and threatened a hunger strike and chanted "you guys not Aeiseny defend myself God and yes the agent and the revolution Moghairch in Egypt need Sawiris Want Asmony air prison Ashan truth dies with me. "

The prosecution charged the defendants charged with harming the country, and pass international calls Egyptian via Internet to Israel, in order to allow Israeli security eavesdropping and spying on those calls and benefit, including the information contained therein for all sectors of the country, to the detriment of the Egyptian national security and monitoring of the whereabouts of the armed forces and police during the events the revolution.

الاثنين، 5 ديسمبر 2011

الجيش يحلق شعر علاء عبد الفتاح المتهم الرئيسى فى احداث ماسبيرو

رفضت نيابة أمن الدولة العليا الطلب المقدم من دفاع المدون والناشط السياسي، علاء عبد الفتاح، لإخلاء سبيله على ذمة التحقيقات.

كان محامي عبد الفتاح قد تقدم بمذكرة للنيابة يطلب فيها إخلاء سبيل موكله بأي ضمان تراه النيابة لانتفاء مبررات الحبس الاحتياطي، فضلا عن عدم وجود دليل إدانة بحقه، وأن الاتهامات المنسوبة إليه مجرد أقوال مرسلة.

Rejected the Supreme State Security Prosecution request from the defense blogger and political activist, Alaa Abdel-Fattah, to release him pending investigation.

Abdel-Fattah's lawyer had submitted a memo to the prosecutor requesting the release of his client in any prosecution to ensure you see the absence of justification for detention, as well as the lack of evidence against him, and that the charges against him just words posted.

The prosecution had been told «Fattah» charges of stealing weapons Mary, and possession of weapons and ammunition, and the crowd, and the infringement of civil servants and sabotage of public property against the backdrop of the events of what Spiro on 9 October, that killed 27 people in clashes between demonstrators 

قناص العيون اثناء ترحيله من النيابه عامل فيها عمرو دياب كاب ونضاره

الأحد، 4 ديسمبر 2011

لماذا تحمل القطه صغارها بفمها من رقبتهم

الاجابه بسيطه  جدا وتتلخص فى قدره الله فى  جعل القطه فى  حاله سكون وخاضعه لوالدتها  وان المنطقه المذكوره عند الضغط عليها يفرز  هرمون تخديري للقطه  ويساعد فى  تهدئتها عن اى  مكان اخر  .
ولهذا السبب تحمل القطه ابناءها من رقبتهم  حتى يكونوا فى  حاله سكون  ولا يجرحوا  انفسهم اثناء نقلهم من مكان الى مكان واستخدم الاطباء هذه الميزه  عند علاج القطط فقموا  بوضع  مشبك الورض فى  هذا المكان  من الرقبه عند الكشف على القطط لتكون فى  حاله  تخدير طبيعي  . سبحان الله

The answer is simple and shows the ability of the Almighty Creator in making the kitten in the sleep state is subject to her mother in that Alhalhhat that the area mentioned above, if you press it secretes Hromunat make the cat as in the case of anesthesia and the Btaheditha.

For this reason, the cat with her ​​children over the neck so that they do not calm themselves when injured by the movement, which was based physicians in the treatment of cats that will help them with paper clip and put it over the cat's neck so as to be in the sleep state during the detection of it as a kind of Altkhaddaratabiei.

.. Glory be making Vibda ..

الثلاثاء، 29 نوفمبر 2011

صور الطبيعه الخلابه

الشيخ محمد حسان في المستشفى