الجمعة، 6 يوليو 2012

أول مؤتمر علمي لتنفيذ أكبر مشروع تعليمي من بعد الثوره

تتشرف مجموعة "معا من اجل بورسعيد" ان تقدم لكم....
لثاني مره علي التوالي ظهور العالم المصري الماليزي في مؤتمر ببورسعيد
بالتعاون مع فريق معا من أجل بورسعيد
واكاديميه السادات للعلوم الادارية
وسيتم عن اعلان تنفيذ مشروع تعليمي عالمي بالتعاون بين 

العالم المصري الماليزي الدكتور "حسام الصيفي"
ومدربين فريق "معا من اجل بورسعيد"

وسيتم ايضا عرض مشاريع اخري للنهوض بمصرنا الحبيبة انطلاقا من بورسعيد الباسلة....

ويشرفنا حضوركم المؤتمر حيث سيتم اعتماد المواد العلمية من الدكتور حسام الصيفي وتكريمه وتكريم المدربة القائمة علي المشروع
المدربة \ ياسمين عادل الزيني
وتسجيل اول مشتركين للمشروع

وان شاء الله سوف يحضر اكبر شخصيات مهتمة ومشجعة للنشاطات الشبابية وسيوجد تغطية اعلامية عالمية لتغطية المؤتمر

وذلك يوم الجمعة الموافق 7/6 الساعة 4 عصرا
بقاعة اكاديمة "السادات فرع بورسعيد"
امام مستشفي التضامن
شارع عبد السلام عارف والامين حي المناخ

الاثنين، 2 يوليو 2012

شرطة التموين تتمكن من ضبط 132258 لتر بنزين وسولار

‎( شرطة التموين تتمكن من ضبط 132258 لتر بنزين وسولار قبل بيعها بالسوق السوداء )
شنت أجهزة مباحث التموين عدة حملات أسفرت عن ضبط كافة المحالفات وذلك خلال يوم 30 يونيو الجارى .. حيث أسفرت جهود تلك الحملات عن تحقيق النتائج التالية:
عدد ( 7 ) قضايا مواد بترولية بمضبوطات (132258) لتر بنزين وسولار .
عدد ( 1 ) قضايا إسطوانات بوتاجاز .
عدد ( 9 ) قضايا دقيق مدعم ، بمضبوطات ( 9,600 ) طن دقيق مُدعم .
عدد ( 73 ) قضية مخالفات مخابز .
عدد ( 5 ) قضايا فى مجال الإتجار الغير مشروع بالسلع التموينية المدعمة بمضبوطات بمضبوطات ( 7,095 ) كيلو أرز تموينى مدعم .
عدد ( 6 ) قضايا غش غذائى وغير غذائى .
عدد ( 111 ) قضايا فى مجال مخالفات المحال العامة .
عدد ( 12 ) قضايا فى مجال ضبط السجائر مجهولة المصدر بمضبوطات عدد ( 199245 ) عبوة سجائر .
تم إتخاذ كافة الإجراءات القانونية اللازمة حيال كل واقعة على حده.

(Police Supply you can adjust the 132,258 liters of gasoline and diesel before being sold on the black market) # moiegy
Investigation of Supply devices launched several campaigns resulted in the seizure of all military alliances organized during the day on June 30 .. Where these campaigns resulted in efforts to achieve the following results:
Number (7) cases of seizures of petroleum products (132,258) liters of petrol and diesel.
One (1) issues of butane cylinders.
Number (9) supported the issues accurately, seizures (9600) tons of flour supported.
Number (73) Bakeries cause irregularities.
Number (5) issues in the field of illicit trade in goods subsidized ration seizures seizures (7095) kilo of rice Tamoany supported.
Number (6) fraud cases and non-diet diet.
Number (111) cases of irregularities in the field of public stores.
Number (12) issues in the area of ​​control cigarettes, the number of seizures of unknown origin (199 245) packets of cigarettes.
Were taken all the necessary legal procedures regarding each incident separately.

الجمعة، 29 يونيو 2012

I first requirement for the President

 I first requirement for the President

Stop eating Alariqah Agriculture in Egypt and not to allow building on agricultural land at all costs and the expansion of the desert?

This picture shows the buildings for the invasion of agricultural land in the heart of the Egyptian Delta. And buildings sticking Tet Balleno White, which appear in the image.

We want the President cut Mersey by each of the builds on agricultural land and to punish Ahmed Shafik by encouraging farmers to build on agricultural land of Egypt, part of a platform Alantkhabamma pay farmers to build on agricultural Alaraadi

Position da most dangerous place Bausband the future of Egypt because the Statistics Bet'oul that after 30 years of not-hyun in the agricultural land in Egypt and buildings Hthal replace foliage friendly plan a Jewish systematically to eliminate the land of Egypt, and was Pettm the help Susan and Gamal Mubarak and Minister of farming Jewish Joseph and to the income of pesticides, carcinogens of the territory of Egyptian

If you are in the violin agreed Mai Aalmtalb da dos Lake and Cher

Well you have large pages Take on Kobe and the place they want to join Bassett quickly Aousel President

السبت، 2 يونيو 2012

Alexandria roam demonstrations demanding the execution of the killers of the martyrs

Patrolled the streets of Alexandria when demonstrations raml station, where people participated mansheya martyrs, injured and many activists to the Court's ruling and demanded the death penalty for killers of martyrs shouting "people want ousted" executed demanded judicial integrity and cleansed of corruption, chanting "people want clean justice

The text of the certificate of the Ministers of Interior and former serious and Issawi in private meetings for the "trial" Mubarak

The text of the certificate of the Ministers of Interior and former serious and Issawi in private meetings for the "trial" Mubarak

Among the certificates that keen adviser Ahmed Refaat, sued the trial of the century to make it a secret, a certificate two brigades Mahmoud Wagdy, and Mansour Al-Issawi, the Ministers of Interior of former, who Naqsthma Court in the events of the revolution on January 25, and their information about the charge for the killing of demonstrators in during and Drew defendants in the events.Mahmoud Wagdy former interior minister in his testimony before the court that he must follow the instructions legal in the launch of cartouche demonstrations, and that it be launched at an angle of 45 degrees, and direct Slot Venice of the land, and at a distance of 3 meters at least from the demonstrators, which leads to reflux of the contents of caliber cartridge afflicts the feet of the demonstrators, away from the upper region of the body, and is, according to the same position, to be back to lead the security forces.He said the security sector Central by forces known as the resolution of the riot, be armed helmet and shield and sticks and cartridges, and there are other elements known as the "Saraya support" consists of officer and 6 pawns, armed armament automatic, and its mission to be, especially in the storming of the nests of drug or hitting a terrorist cell or the focus of a criminal, as well as the formation of the last named "special operations", the training of higher level and lead work in the major tasks.And the snipers, said Grandfather: they Outstanding officers in the fire hit, receiving training in the armed forces, and then return to the police, and is arming its own sniper rifle, and there is the Ministry of Interior arming sniper laser.According to the experience of security and my Grandfather was denied landing forces snipers to Tahrir Square in the demonstrations, and imagined that in the profile in the case of increasing the number of protestors for police forces to the Minister of the Interior to find political solutions, or assisted by the armed forces.The Grandfather and the events of the 1977 days of the late President Sadat, and the events of the Central Security in 1986, explained that the interior ministers at that time used the armed forces after the outbreak of demonstrations a few hours.The Court has been asked about the ability of the Minister of the Interior to make the decision to fire on the demonstrators without reference to the President of the Republic, he replied that my Grandfather and Article 102 of the Police Act provides for the use of weapons demonstrations in case of necessity and self-defense.And pointed out that after my Grandfather oath met with Mubarak, the former president asked him: "Police news eh?" .. He replied: "Oh repented of all the officers and individuals have left their places and went to their homes, and the police in case of loose and need to efforts to return again", was the guidance of the former president has quickly assembling troops and coordination with the army, and he began to direct his work from the Office of State Security in Nasr City .He said police took place in a fatal error when shut down Tahrir Square, and the injuries and deaths were the result of chaos or individual cases of self-defense, in addition to the presence of foreign elements into the country to demolish the prison and went to the field of editing, and that dialogue was between him and the accused Ahmed Ramzy told him through that his forces tried to prevent the demonstrators from reaching the field of chaos occurred, and denied that his forces symbolic shot in the face of the demonstrators, because he did not issue instructions from Habib el-Adli and former interior minister.And feet and my Grandfather was a copy of the letter received from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the Minister of the Interior at the time of 18 Fberaaram 2011 from the Office of the representation of Egypt in Ramallah, which read as follows: "Mr. Brigadier General Mohammad Hejazi, Assistant Minister of the Interior .. Greetings .. I have the honor to our office Bram God, citing sources from the Gaza Strip, notes recently and there are dozens of cars smuggled from Egypt, which is still a conditional license plates and the Government of Egypt, and has been viewed two cars belonging to the central security within Gaza ..He noted that he shall also inform the U.S. Embassy steal a number of vehicles of their garage Sheikh Rihan, and that he was kidnapped 3 officers and the Secretary of police personnel Security Department of North Sinai, and that, according to information which has has been in custody of the Hamas movement, and that there are weapons of lost police from different sections estimated at around 1000 pieces a weapon.He completed his testimony: "During my work as a minister has been restored part of the missing weapons, items were seized in Tahrir Square between Arabs and foreigners.He and my Grandfather in his testimony that the operation to storm the prison was by Palestinian elements to smuggle relatives of police stations attacked by thugs, and that the cars of the police were not run over protesters, but trying to escape, and that there are elements that were mobilized to encroach on the police cars and burning, and in response to a question by claiming the right Civil on the plan of 100, he said a plan in place for the deployment of forces around vital installations.Following the end of my Grandfather and his testimony Mubarak refused to comment on it as usual, saying: "No comments" .. And the rest of the defendants shouted "no thanks", other than the accused Omar Faramawy, former security chief in October, which decided that it was in October did not leave his work, and confirmed that the witness speak.In another session is also confidential court heard the testimony of Mansour Issawi and former interior minister, who confirmed that the number of soldiers the 290 thousand soldiers only at the level of the Republic, and that got them into the street at the time of events 181 thousand troops, and arming the usual in the demonstrations is the shield and batons and tear gas tear, and repairs up to the robot in the case of chasing the terrorist operations.He added that he does not know the use of lead in the revolution of January 25, and that he can not use bullets cartouche under orders from the leaders, and in the event of its launch on the rebels resulting in death if the distance is close, and confirmed the presence of snipers in the interior, but stressed that it can not be used in demonstrations, and often the role of snipers break the prisoners and hostages, and that the officers, snipers attached to all police agencies.He told the court that he is not correct according to the logic that the Central Security soldiers fired live bullets at the demonstrators, and the only deaths were in the thousands, and the number of soldiers was only 800, while the number of demonstrators increased to 300 thousand people.In response to a question to the Court about the possibility of the President's intervention in general to maintain the integrity and security of the homeland, and how to deal in the case of mass demonstrations? .. Answered Issawi that the law and the Constitution guarantee to the President of that command, and the right to issue an order to shoot at demonstrators if he considers that this Eetmhay and interests of the country, and in this case assisted by the Committee on national security in the institution of the presidency to make the decision, adding he did not know if Mubarak issued an order to the Adeli killing of demonstrators.Saw Issawi he was not aware of the role carried out by the defendants, Ahmed Ramzy, head of the central security before, and Adly Fayed, director of security the previous year, Hassan Abdel Rahman, Director of the State Security Service before, and Ismail Shaer, Director of the Cairo Security Former and Osama anchors Director of Giza Security, and the age of Faramawy October, former director of security at the time of the events of the revolution, he told the court the letter: "I do not know," but in the end, all information is up to the Minister of the Interior, and he did not come to involve words or material evidence to condemn the accused.The Issawi that Adli can not take unilateral decision to fire on the demonstrators, but after consulting the President of the Republic, except for the case of legitimate self-defense, such as the defense of police stations and prisons, and confirmed that the armored police include a person armed with a weapon to, and in the case of shooting a single bullet it can kill 15 demonstrators.And detect the presence of surveillance cameras in the field of editing in order to the Secretary of the Interior to monitor what is going on in the field, and in response to a question of the defense: "Do you come as a minister of the interior and devices for the officers and soldiers who have been mentioned Mjhla order of referral," he replied: There Jhtan are responsible for this, both the Commission finding facts and the public prosecutor.

الجمعة، 1 يونيو 2012

التحرير خالي فى مليونيه العزل السياسي

فى مشهد غير  معتاد عليه فى مصر خاصه عقب احداث ثور 25 المجيده  . قد  خلى  ميدان التحرير  من المتظاهرين رغم  دعوات القوى السياسيه لعقد مليونيه العزل لفلول النظام البائد المتمثل  حاليا فى الفرقيق احمد شفيق الرشح لرئاسه الجمهوريه عقب  تخطيه الجوله الاولى  من انتخابات الرئاسه المصري  وبالتساوى  مع  الدكتور محمد مرسي فى نفس عدد الاصوات تقريبا  . وهذه  كانت مفاجاه للجميع  وقد  قدم  العديد  من المرشحين  طعون  على الانتخابات  وتزويرها الا ان اللجنه العليا للانتخابات المصريه رفضت كل هذه الطعون  وقالت انها ليست لها اى اساس  من الصحه .  

وفى  اول مازق يهدد مستقبل الثوره المصريه  يحاول النظام البائد ان يعود للحكم باى طريقه او  بمعنى اصح يحاول ويقاتل  من اجل  عدم تسليم السلطه لاى تيار اخر سواء  كان تيار ديني  او تيارى ثورى .  وفى واحده من المفاجات حقق المرشح  حمدين صباحى انتشار  هائل بين الشعب المصري  واستطاع ن يحصد على اكثر من 5 مليون صوت مصري  .  وهناك  دعوات  لمقاطعه الانتخابات  تنتشر الان فى كل  مواقع التواصل الاجتماعى خاصه بين الشباب المريدين لحمدين صباحى 

الأحد، 27 مايو 2012

اكبر انسان فى العالم

اكبر انسان فى العالم حيث يبلغ  من العمر 160 عام  وهو  هندي الجنسيه  ويعيش على ضفاف  نهر السند  ولديه  حفيد يبلغ  من العمر 120  عام  . ويتمتعون بصحه  جيده  وهذا الكهل تزوج 16 مره واجب 84 ابن  بالاضافه الى مئات  من الاحفاد

الجمعة، 18 مايو 2012

صوره نادره للرئيس الراحل انور السادات

الخميس، 29 مارس 2012

صاروخ ينفجر قرب منطقه انعقاد القمه العربيه ببغداد

 رويترز :- بغداد صرح  مصدر  امنى انه  سمع  دوى انفجار  لقاذفه قرب مركز  انعقاد  مؤتمر القمه العربيه فى المنطقه الخضراء ببغداد  . ويحضر هذه القمه 9 رؤساء  وملوك عرب .  وسط تغيب كبير  من التمثيل الرسمي المصري من قبل المشير او الفريق سامي عنان رئيس اركان الجيش المصري  . ظرا للظروف التى تمر  بها مصر فى هذه الايام  .

وصرح المصدر  الامنى انه  لم  يتم رصد اى خسائر فى الاراوح نتيجه انفجار  هذا الصاروخ فى المنطقه الخضراء  .

الأربعاء، 28 مارس 2012

بالصور المخابرات العسكريه تراقب الفيسبوك

الامارات تدخل موسوعه جينس للارقام القياسيه باكبر مصحف فى العلم

الامارات وخاصه ولايه دبي  تدخل  موسوعه  جينيس للارقام القياسيه بعدما  كلف حاكم الولايه بعض المسؤليين فى الاماره . بعمل اكبر  كتاب للقران الكريم وايضا  كتاب  يعرض السيره النوبيه لاشرف الخلق  محمد  صلى الله  عليه وسلم  . وهذه  صوره موضوحه لكتاب القرأن  الذى سوف يطوف فى  جوله بين 5  دوله عربيه من بينهما مصر والسعوديه  .